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A Little About Me

Saturday, November 07, 2009
1869 engraving showing an idealized, young :en...Image via Wikipedia
Some people seem to have a "thing" when it comes to blogging. Wil Wheaton seems to make most of his post titles be song lyrics. Bad idea for me, since I've always had a hard time coming up with examples. So I will have no one theme. As my interests are quite varied, so will my blog posts be. So, a little about me...

I'm a 30 something stay at home mom who dabbles in things here and there, in the little bit of free time I have when I'm not homeschooling my two kids or doing other household-related activities. Lately I've done a bit of writing, being a Core Contributor to the GeekDad blog. I also try to do as many crafts as I can. I especially like sewing (hand and machine), embroidery (my new thing), crochet, and just making things in general. I love to travel, but I don't get to do that very often. Fortunately, I also love planning travel, so that keeps me occupied when I can't do the real thing. I love to play board games. Not the takes-ten-hours type of board game, but ones that test your knowledge or skill. Ones that are pure luck aren't as fun. I spend far too much time on the internet, but it really keeps me connected to what's going on out there in the world, especially among my friends and family. I love watching movies and TV. Jane Austen movies are where I go when I need to get away from it all. But not the new Kiera Knightly Pride and Prejudice. The Colin Firth version, all the way.

I also love education and learning, and lean strongly in the skeptic/pro-science direction. Critical thinking is crucial to having a mind of one's own, and I'm teaching my kids that as well as I can. I am working on several posts for GeekDad listing materials and websites that we use in our homeschooling, so keep your eye out for that.

I also have listed people I follow and sites I visit regularly in the margin of this blog, so you can see other things that I am interested in.

I've been a geek my whole life, which wasn't easy growing up. Our world has finally caught up, though, and it's indeed a good time to be a geek. Thank you, internet! Bwok bwok!

4 comments to A Little About Me:

Thorsten said...

Wil Wheaton!!
You gotta be a geek to like Wesley, but on second thought even that doesn't seem to be enough...

Jenny Williams said...

You can also be a teenage girl. =)

Thorsten said...

It *does* make one wonder about teenage girls...

Jenny Williams said...

There weren't many geeky boys around that were nice to look at. So he was a good option. =)